February 14, 2016

Mobile Money picture (1)Using the well-proven concept of a digital Notary which has been in use for millennia,the Notary ensures the system is lightning fast and operates with perfect precision and accuracy. Every transaction is instantly secure and private. Notaries can work together forming a voting pool to create the most advance distributed ledger technology possible.

The Monetas platform is an advanced digital contracting technology. It uses a cryptographically secured digital notary service to deterministically provide instant, irreversible settlement of transactions. The Monetas platform automates today’s legal notary process. It is a hybrid peer-to-peer, client-server network application with the notary operating as an always-on, globallyaccessible web service. It is a powerful, flexible, secure software technology that is used in a myriad of ways – from replacing cash and debt for simple payment and remittance flows, to democratizing currency exchange, derivatives trading, smart contracts, and much more.

Call us today to learn more about MPAY Mobile Money for you and your customers.

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